关于我们   ABOUT US
Han Secrets 是马来西亚首个遵照古方, 由陆汶宗医师亲手调配, 融合汉代,日本,高丽的独一无二的珍贵古方制作,并由现代化GMP药厂生产的中医品牌。陆汶宗医师是马来西亚执业中医师,精通肝病专科 ,妇科受孕,中风调理和美容保养,拥有二十年以上的经验。

Han Secrets is the 1st beauty and health brand in Malaysia with ancient prescribed recipes from Han Dynasty, Japan, and Korea, founded by Mr Louis Lok. Mr Louis Lok is a certified Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner with 20 years’ experience, specialised in Liver Health, Women’s Health, Beauty Acupuncture, and Stroke Recovery.
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Han Secrets 是马来西亚首个遵照古方,由陆汶宗医师调配,独一无二的珍贵古方制作,并由现代化GMP药厂生产的中医品牌 。

陆汶宗医师是马来西亚执业中医师,精通肝病专科,妇科受孕,中风调理和美容针灸,拥有二十年以上的经验。Han Secrets 中医诊所位于SS15 Subang Jaya。

Han Secrets 的中草药保健与美容产品在诊所和官网均有销售,本着天然,安全,有效的宗旨,提供优质精良的产品和医术。

meng su Ling

11 months ago

(Translated by Google) Acupuncture and beauty, Dr. Lu is the best!


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11 months ago

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MkT Ht

12 months ago

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mei mei wong

1 year ago

I used to take hormones medicines to regulate my menstrual and ease the menses pain for more than 10 years. It has been about 4 months since i swapped out the hormones medicine and start taking Dr. Louis' "FENG XIANG DAN". It works WONDER by helping to regulate my menses cycle and bye bye to pain. Most importantly, I can now safely use herbs & traditional way to regain control of my life.
Thank you Dr. Louis

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Chan Sow Yeng

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) Excellent medical skills and good service.


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1 year ago

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Meeichyang Yong

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) Han Secrets beauty products are really different~ It not only improved the dryness of my face~ my originally dull complexion has also become soft and bright~ Doctor Lu’s Jinfeng Yulu tea is also a great product~ I always love it I am a gourmet person~I always worry about the problem of obesity~Jinfengyulu tea is so good that it can solve my problem~I can easily lose weight while enjoying the food~Dr. Beauty and beauty ~ secret recipes of medicinal diet therapy ~ can be found in Dr. Lu's health post website~ I have to say that Dr. Lu is a kind person who is willing to do good and does not ask for anything in return~ I am grateful to Dr. Lu for his selfless dedication~ Immense merit~
I will continue to support such a good product as Han Secrets~

Han Secrets 美容产品果真与众不同~它不但改善了我脸部干燥的问题~原本暗淡的肤色也变得柔嫩亮丽了~还有陸医师的金凤玉露茶也是个很棒的产品~一向爱吃美食的我~总会担心肥胖的问题~金凤玉路茶真好能解决我这方面的问题~享受美食之余又能轻松瘦身~陸医师的养生帖网站也是我常关注的~内容有保健养生~美容养颜~药膳食疗的秘方~都能在陸医师养生帖网站里找到~不得不说陸医师是个樂善好施不求回報的大善人~感恩陸医师无私的付出~功德无量~
Han Secrets这么好的产品我一定会继续支持的~

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Kher Chee ho

1 year ago

Good Doctor, good service, good product, good experience with Han Secrets 👍🏻

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Cheong Wei

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) After using Dr. Lu's skin care products, he solved my skin problems and reduced the acne and acne marks on my face. Its products make me more confident!


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Wah Seng Ng

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) Since using Dr. Lu's products, my skin problems have obviously improved greatly. It also brightened my skin tone and lightened the dark spots on my face.


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Ng Pei Yun

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I have always paid attention to and used Dr. Lu's products. The reason why my skin looks new is to use Dr. Lu's skin care products. Its efficacy is really amazing! And friends who follow Dr. Lu's live broadcast room know that Dr. Lu will answer everyone's questions one by one The problem!

一直都有关注和使用过陆医师的产品。我的肌肤焕然一新的原因是用了陆医师的护肤品,它的功效真的是让人赞赞赞! 而且在有关注陆医师直播间的友友们都知道 陆医师会一一解答大家所问的问题!

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Huang Danny

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I take Dr. Lu's Baogan Ning and Kidney Powder. Dr. Lu's products are natural, safe, and effective. They are trustworthy products, and I strongly recommend them.


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huang wei ying

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I often watch the live broadcast of Dr. Lu. He is an experienced Chinese medicine practitioner. He often selflessly shares the secrets of how to maintain the body, and answers our questions professionally and carefully. He is a good doctor.


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1 year ago

(Translated by Google) After using han secrets products, the skin becomes firmer and the skin is no longer sensitive.

用了han secrets产品后,皮肤变得更紧实,皮肤再也不敏感了。

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Tan Soon Tin

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I have been using Han Secrets products for almost three years,
My skin has improved a lot. When my friends saw me, they all said 👍.
I like Dr. Lu's selfless sharing the most, such as his health care posts, and listen to him for free on #Astro#优content#, the best health care channel. Dr. Lu is indeed a good doctor in our life.

我用Han Secrets 的产品将近三年了,

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Lyn Ng

1 year ago

I have been using their facial products for years. Few months back I tried the facial acupuncture and find it very effective. Pores are smaller and face is firmer. Friends noticed the changes. If I can have another 6 sessions , I believe that the result will be tremendous.
I highly recommend the facial acupuncture, you have to try it to see the result.

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Seowhoon Tan

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) In September 2021, I fell in love with Han Secret's Peach Blossom Pearl Cream.
Since then, I have applied a thin layer of pearl cream every morning and night, and occasionally replaced the pearl cream with gold anti-aging repair cream at night. Before this, due to lack of care, the skin tone of my face was very uneven and there were many spots. After starting to use Han Secret's skin care products, the skin tone on the face gradually became even and the skin tone became brighter. Thank you, Dr. Lu, for bringing us such a great natural product, and giving me this opportunity to meet a better self.

二零二一九月接触到Han Secret的桃花珍珠膏,就开始爱上它了。
从那个时候开始,我每天早晚都会搽上一层薄薄的珍珠膏,晚上偶尔会以黄金抗老修护霜来代替珍珠膏。在这之前因为缺乏照顾,我的脸部的肤色很不均匀,也有很多斑点。开始用了Han Secret 的护肤产品后,脸上的肤色慢慢变得均匀,肤色变得更明亮了。谢谢陆医师为我们带来这么棒的天然产品, 让我有这个机会遇见更好的自己。

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lauren wyq

1 year ago

Gratitude to Dr. Lok, Han Secrets
I have hemifacial spasm (spasm at one side of the face) for many years now. Hemifacial spasm has hindered me from daily routine, vision, hearing, often lethargic and awkward when meeting people. It has affected my smile too. To heal it, I was advised by medical specialists to take injections and operation to halt the facial spasm. I did not pursue it and decided to seek second opinion.
I found Dr. Lok to treat my condition. The result is wonderful, significant improvement, progressive healing and showing no spasm till today. With his treatment and medication, it has successfully controlled the spasm. Deeply appreciated his effort, care and treatment. I am truly blessed and thankful to meet Dr Lok. Now, I can have my smile back like before. THANK YOU!

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likko Yew

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) During the body check at the beginning of this year, I was found to have Mild Fatty Liver Disease. The doctor at the hospital told me to do more exercise, but I already exercise regularly! My friend introduced me to Dr. Lu from Han Secrets, who said he was very good at treating liver problems. Dr. Lu cured my friend’s father’s hepatitis.

When making an appointment with Han Secrets, the clinic stated in advance that the consultation fee without taking a pulse is 150 yuan, and with a pulse check it is 300 yuan. My friend said that their consultation fees have been the same for ten years. Dr. Lu will see you personally, so you don’t have to wait for an appointment. It’s just a one-time visit, you don’t have to go back every week. (I still remember my friend jokingly asking me if I had no money. I ate all the food at this price and told me to go see it quickly and stop delaying it. 😂, you get what you pay for)

On the day of the consultation, I was pleasantly surprised by Dr. Lu. His skin was very good. It was hard to believe that he was going to be over 50 years old. He read my report that day and told me to take his medicine for 4 months before taking care of me. If the fatty liver disappears within 4 months, I can stop. At that time, I asked the doctor a lot of questions, and he patiently helped me answer them. Dr. Lu said that he was very confident in his medicine, but he was not a god. In his more than 20 years of experience in treating patients, about 80% of the patients were treated with it. It can all help, I hope we have this medical connection.

After seeing the doctor, the physician assistant explained to me how to take the medicine, what to pay attention to, the price, etc. I feel that their family is very Buddhist, and they will tell you everything you need to know. You decide what you want to buy before issuing an invoice. I bought 2 months of medicine at the clinic first, and then purchased it directly on their website. 2 months of medication.

Recently I went back to the hospital to take pictures. . Fatty liver is gone! Even the doctor was scared! I'm really happy! Thank you Dr. Lu! Thanks for this medical connection🙏I will go back to Dr. Lu for acupuncture and beauty treatment🙏

今年年初 body check 的时候查到有 Mild 脂肪肝,医院的医生叫我多做运动, 但我平时就已经有运动啊!朋友就介绍我去找 Han Secrets 陆医师,说看肝的问题很厉害,朋友爸爸的肝炎是陆医师医好的。

跟 Han Secrets 预约的时候,诊所有提前说明看诊费没有把脉是150, 有把脉就是300,朋友说他们家看诊费十年都是这样的价钱,是陆医师亲自看,有预约不用等,看诊一次罢了不用每星期回去。(我还记得朋友开玩笑问我是不是没钱,这个价钱吃都吃了,叫我赶快去看,不要再拖了😂,一分钱一分货)

看诊当天有被陆医师惊喜到,他的皮肤非常好,说他要过半百了,实在难以置信。当天他看我的report, 交代我服用他的药4个月后再去照看,如果4个月脂肪肝消失了就可以停。当时也请教了医师很多问题,他很有耐心的帮我解答,陆医师说他对他的药很有信心,但是他不是神,在他看诊20几年的经验,大概80%的病人他都可以帮助到,希望我们有这份医缘。



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Benjamin Miow

1 year ago

Good product after few bottles can see big improvement !!

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KitKrak Cat

1 year ago

My first time experiencing this supplement was amazing! The course of 1 bottle did many wonders to my body. I no longer fill tired easily and i my complexion glowed up after taking it just for 2 weeks!

to me, the price of this is much affordable than signing for facial packages. I am definitely going to be a long term subscriber to this wonderful yet affordable product!!!

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Elaine Yee

1 year ago

Good service,good products👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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Chris Chuah

1 year ago

(Translated by Google) Proliganic helped my mom's liver, ALT, AST readings returned to normal. Safe, natural, effective, trustworthy brand, highly recommended👍

Proliganic对我的​​妈妈肝脏有帮助,ALT, AST读数恢复正常。 安全,天然,有效,值得信赖的品牌, 非常值得推荐👍

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Johnson Winzer

2 years ago

I was in a really tough spot when my friend recommended Dr. Lok's Proganic liver care product to me. Working at a call centre with night shifts had taken a toll on my health, and I was suffering from liver problems that western medicine couldn't seem to fix. My condition was getting worse by the day, and even my eyes had started to turn yellow. It was a torturous experience, but thankfully, Dr. Lok and Proganic came to my rescue. After using Proganic, I have noticed a significant improvement in my liver condition, and now it's the only liver care product I trust. I can work properly without any worries now. I am grateful for Dr. Lok and Proganic for making such an amazing product that has improved my quality of life.

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Xiao Chu He

2 years ago

I highly recommend Han Secrets for anyone looking for effective skin care and healthcare products. Despite being a bit pricey, the quality and effectiveness of their products make them worth it. Additionally, the customer service is great and Dr. Lok is very knowledgeable and helpful. I have been using their products for myself and my family, and would confidently recommend them to anyone looking for high-quality and effective products.

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jacalyn lee

2 years ago

(Translated by Google) Dr. Lu's Proganic is highly recommended, and my family has been taking it for 15 years. Highly recommended!

陆医师的保肝寜(Proganic)很值得推荐,家人服用了15年. Highly recommended!

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4 years ago

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Marcus Tan

4 years ago

(Translated by Google) Dr. Lu's Baoganning series is the best liver medicine I have ever used. I am a business person and I often need to drink outside. Dr. Lu’s liver medicine is really effective in protecting the liver and relieving hangovers. In addition, when I feel hot and uncomfortable, I also take this medicine for health care. Just like yesterday, I bit my mouth and it healed immediately the next day after taking Baolan. In addition, when going to bed late or staying up late, it has a first-class effect in removing bad breath and reducing liver-fire. Thank you very much Dr. Lu for making such a good medicine with great care, very highly recommended.

陸醫師的保肝寧系列是我用過最好的肝藥。我是一名業務 ,需要常常在外喝酒,陸醫師的肝藥保肝和解酒的效果真的超好。此外當我身體熱氣和不舒服的時候也會吃這個藥來保健。就像昨天我咬破了我的嘴,吃了保肝寧隔天馬上就好了。另外遲睡和熬夜時,去口臭和降肝火效果一流。非常感謝陸醫師如此用心做出這麼好的藥 ,very highly recommended。

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